Thursday 29 March 2012

Task 1 Vision

Sight as a sense.

The site : Curtain House located in Swanston Street
The model is to show the concept of " exploration" and the fact that the people that come to Curtain House cannot see what is insides unless they take the initiative to open the door, therefore I created many cubes inside one to show that there is more than the look, just like the impression of the Curtain House.

 These are the drawings that lead to the model. I have focused mainly on the flow of people in the site, and how it differs between a time of day.

This one I am drawing the amount of advertisement used in the building, it shows how less people would travel the higher the place is.
   "Flow of people in the site between the time of 3pm to 4pm"
 " The amount of people at day and night."
More people comes to a certain level at a certain time of day.
 The different material; used to differentiated stores; having individualistic and characteristic to each store on each level.

The fact that the whole building it is not what it seems from first impression, there are many hidden doors that lead is only marked by different material that lead into a completely different space.

The final model: