Sunday 8 April 2012

Task 5 Taste

Taste as a sense

The site: Botanical Garden

The Sketches
 A diagram showing the faintness of cool taste in the rainforest area of the Botanical Garden. It was a hint of hot ( temperature not taste) especially underneath the sun.
 This was the second diagram from the rainforest area. It was to show how faint the taste was especially when walking through the forest. It does give a cooler feeling and shade just like the actual structure of the trees.
 This is the last diagram from the rainforest area. This shows the feeling of freshness that we can "taste" by sitting in there and feeling he breeze and smell of leaves into your system.
 This was from the herb garden in Botanical Garden. Unlike the expectation of a lavender being a scent that is used everywhere and in every product it doesn't smell as nice it is advertise. You can practically taste the bitterness of the smell.
 This one also from the herb garden. This was from a plant that I don't know the name of however it was a type of taste that first you find strange but linger in your memory and making you attracted to it again.

This was the diagram that lead me to the cake model I have done. Since herbs I taste by smelling remind me of curry and tropical countries food, I decided to use different materials such as nuts and apricot to convey that tropical feeling same with the diagram by using a brighter color and more playful shape!

The Model 's photos show the making of the cake too.

Task 3 Smell

Smell as a sense

The site: Victorian Market

The sketches
 Meat and Poultry Section
This diagram show how I interpret the smell of meat and poultry as a sketch. Unlike other smell at the market it has much a well shape smell and rather masculine.
The seafood section. The smell of it was really strong and you can still smell it and linger on your body although you leave the section.
  The fruit and vegetables section. After going through the door that separate this section from the rest this was located outdoor. Therefore rather than a strong wall of smell blocking , you can slightingly from time to time smell the fresh fruits like citrus stinging in your nose.
 The smell of bakery. Smell of soft material unlike the seafood section it is not strong to the point of you can still smell it on you. This has a weaker scent and yet evokes an emotion such as homesickness.

This is the pickle and cheese area. It has the worst and strong smell to me. It has s harp distinguish smell and yet not comforting in my opinion. Unlike the bakery that evokes a certain emotion or memories this actually make me cringe and want to get away from the section faster.

The models:

I choose the drawing of the seafood section diagram to be an inspiration for this model.

Task 4 Touch

Touch as a sense

The site:different materials.

The sketches

This is a diagram of the feeling of touching a nest.

A rough and scratchy feel that leave your finger once you are not touching them again.

This one was when i was touching rope like cables. A smooth straight texture that feels like plastic. Not rough enough to leave a strong impression of it. However similar enough to remind me of something else, as many things are made out of almost the same material as it.

This diagram shows when I was touching paper clips. Cold, thin, delicate that immediately feels like metal. It feels like it could slips of out hand any second and was having trouble holding all of it together in one hand as it was slippery.

For this sketch I was touching an outdoor foot mat, this leaves the strongest impression for me because not only it is really rough compare to the nest it also leaves a numb feeling after touching it for a several seconds.

This was when I was out in the alumni yard and was touching the metal hand rail. Compare to paper clip which were indoor this one was much colder as it was outdoor. Smoother also.

And this was the diagram of when touching a textured tiles, doesnt feel like ceramic until you see the actual material,. I thought that it was plastic until I open my eye to see what it is.

 This is the diagram I chose for an inspiration of my straw model.It was when I was touching the fake grass at Alumni Courtyard, it felt like real wet grass! Completely different from what I have expected.

However the model was created not because I want to convey the feeling of real grass but instead I was looking graphically at the drawings I have done. Therefore leading me to weave using a string these straws together into a honeycomb like structure.

Task 2 Hearing

Hearing as a sense.

The site : Federation Square

From the sketches :
 The thing I am looking at in this diagram is "escalator"

 Here I am mapping out the amount of sound I got during a certain time of day. IN the diagram I am mapping the sound at the site on 4pm.

 By using two different triangle and color I am mapping out the conversation between people usually two or three at the site.

 Here I am focusing on the sound of trams and cars and basically electronic or transportation. It is very loud and noticeable as its function is to let people know what it is.

For the last one, I am looking at the different sounds of cutlers and how the closer to restaurant of cafe the more you can hear more people chatting and conversing rather than in the middle of the square.

The model is from the last diagram in here I have put just above. The model is made out of plaster.