Sunday 8 April 2012

Task 4 Touch

Touch as a sense

The site:different materials.

The sketches

This is a diagram of the feeling of touching a nest.

A rough and scratchy feel that leave your finger once you are not touching them again.

This one was when i was touching rope like cables. A smooth straight texture that feels like plastic. Not rough enough to leave a strong impression of it. However similar enough to remind me of something else, as many things are made out of almost the same material as it.

This diagram shows when I was touching paper clips. Cold, thin, delicate that immediately feels like metal. It feels like it could slips of out hand any second and was having trouble holding all of it together in one hand as it was slippery.

For this sketch I was touching an outdoor foot mat, this leaves the strongest impression for me because not only it is really rough compare to the nest it also leaves a numb feeling after touching it for a several seconds.

This was when I was out in the alumni yard and was touching the metal hand rail. Compare to paper clip which were indoor this one was much colder as it was outdoor. Smoother also.

And this was the diagram of when touching a textured tiles, doesnt feel like ceramic until you see the actual material,. I thought that it was plastic until I open my eye to see what it is.

 This is the diagram I chose for an inspiration of my straw model.It was when I was touching the fake grass at Alumni Courtyard, it felt like real wet grass! Completely different from what I have expected.

However the model was created not because I want to convey the feeling of real grass but instead I was looking graphically at the drawings I have done. Therefore leading me to weave using a string these straws together into a honeycomb like structure.

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