Sunday 8 April 2012

Task 3 Smell

Smell as a sense

The site: Victorian Market

The sketches
 Meat and Poultry Section
This diagram show how I interpret the smell of meat and poultry as a sketch. Unlike other smell at the market it has much a well shape smell and rather masculine.
The seafood section. The smell of it was really strong and you can still smell it and linger on your body although you leave the section.
  The fruit and vegetables section. After going through the door that separate this section from the rest this was located outdoor. Therefore rather than a strong wall of smell blocking , you can slightingly from time to time smell the fresh fruits like citrus stinging in your nose.
 The smell of bakery. Smell of soft material unlike the seafood section it is not strong to the point of you can still smell it on you. This has a weaker scent and yet evokes an emotion such as homesickness.

This is the pickle and cheese area. It has the worst and strong smell to me. It has s harp distinguish smell and yet not comforting in my opinion. Unlike the bakery that evokes a certain emotion or memories this actually make me cringe and want to get away from the section faster.

The models:

I choose the drawing of the seafood section diagram to be an inspiration for this model.

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